Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let's Begin

So many times in my life people have said, "You ought to write a book" or "Your life is like a soap opera." Now that can't be good!  Several times I have started a book but just lose my momentum and quit.  One thing I have never been is a quitter. So, inspired by the movie Julie & Julia, I am blogging.  No I am not going to cook my way through Julia's cookbook.  Even if I did, it would be more like Taste of Home.   Don't you love those?  Anyway, I will be blogging about my past, present and future but I am sure there won't be much future in it.  Well, you know what I mean.

I am a polio survivor!  I had polio before the vaccine.  Some of you are saying "What is polio?" while others are thinking, "Wow! She is really old."  I will answer those questions as time goes on.  "How can she say she is blessed to have had polio?'  That too will come out in the days ahead.  For you see, I am in a wheelchair but am truly, truly blessed.

So stay tuned as I try my best to be a blessing to you.