The Bible has hundreds of references on the tongue and the impact of words that come out of our mouth. They are so very powerful in both positive and negative ways.
I would say if I had to pick a favorite school year, it would have been the eighth grade. I knew my classmates well, I had the best teacher in the world, Mr. Kennedy, and my first honest to goodness, hand holding boyfriend. Life was good. I had so much fun that year. Mr. Kennedy put our classroom in the shape of a U and he would stand in the middle or walk around with his big ole' intimidating yard stick and tell us all about the Korean War. He would encourage discussions about anything we wanted to discuss.
So at a time in my life when I loved everyone and everything, when I didn't realize that there was anything different about me other then the fact that I walked with braces, I was given a dose of life that I had not ever experienced before.
Remember that I had been mainstreamed into a regular classroom 4 years before and had been with these same kids every year sense then. The school for Special Ed children was attached to ours and each school had their own playground. A couple of the girls in my class had started a dodge-ball game on the Special Ed playground and they were asked to move their game to their own playground. One of the girls was really upset and when we got back to class a discussion broke out about why "those" kids got to come into our school and onto our playground anytime they wanted but we weren't allowed to go into theirs. It was like I wasn't even there. I was one of "those" kids she was talking about but I felt more like a part of these kids. It was devastating to me. Huge tears streamed down my face as I took on the whole weight of the little school for disabled children next door upon my shoulders. Several of my close friends began to stick up for those like me but it was too late. For the first time in my life, I felt less then them, not as good as them and most of all I felt different. Mr. Kennedy kept me after class and tried to cheer me up and repair some of the damage but I would forever be changed. I no longer felt accepted.
A few weeks after school let out for the summer my boyfriend dumped me for another girl. His reason was that I wasn't what he needed in a relationship, if you get my drift. He just wanted to be friends. Another shot to my world. Someone letting me know, I was not good enough. He was actually saying I was too good but that is not what I heard. So, if it was a friend he wanted, a friend I would be. These two instances along with a strong will to be independent led me on a downhill spiral. I would, from that time on, be determined to be whatever you wanted me to be as long as you liked me and wanted me. I did not ever want to experience rejection again. The fallout from that was not pretty. I became a doormat for many because I was too afraid to argue or disagree. All I ever wanted was just to be accepted. You just can't be everything to everyone. I am still learning that lesson.
But you know they say that what makes you weak makes you strong, or something like that. I now had a determination to succeed. I was out to prove that the kid from the other playground could be the best employee a company would ever have. I felt responsible to pave the way for all those physically challenged people who would come behind me.
I wanted to have a successful marriage and bare children. I failed at the marriage thing at first but now have been married for 34 years. I have two wonderful sons and four beautiful granddaughters plus bonus children and grandchildren.
I try so hard to choose my words carefully and weigh each one and the affect they will have but I am sad to say that I have hurt people with my words. I know those girls in my class probably never meant to hurt me or alter my world in anyway, but that is just my point. The words came out never to be taken back. I heard them.
So use your words for good. They are just as powerful when they're positive. Words of truth and love, encouragement and thankfulness. Use your words to bless others. I know you have all blessed me with your kind words of encouragement regarding this blog. You're the reason I continue. I am thankful for you.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
How does a miracle happen? Well other then the miracle of creation, it most always follows prayer. Now it might be a short prayer that God answers right away or it might be a prayer that is prayed everyday, without fail, for years and years.
When I had polio, the doctors said I would never walk again, even with the aid of braces and crutches. They said my core muscles were not strong enough. As many of you know, God answered prayer and allowed me to do just that. I was told I would never be able to have a baby. God gave me two healthy boys and with His help and grace, I carried them full term.
I have seen many answered prayers in my life. I can't wait to share some of them with you. One thing I have learned is that God always answers. Sometimes the answer is "No" but many times it is "Wait". I think the reason is because we learn more by waiting. Our faith grows stronger and we realize that this particular thing is not going to happen without Him. God needs to be given the glory and He wants to make sure we and others see that it's through Him that miracles happen.
This week I saw two miracles. A close friend of ours younger brother was stricken with cancer last year. He had several tumors throughout his body and one was on his spine. A very aggressive chemo treatment schedule was put in place and I am very thankful to say he is tumor free today. We will continue to pray for him, that God will strengthen him and help him to walk again on his own. We also want God to kill all cancer cells and pray that there will be no new tumors in his future. I know this is a tall order but nothing is too big for God.
We also saw a prodigal child come home after twenty years. Her parents, family and friends have prayed faithfully that she would return one day so that they could welcome her with open arms. This week God brought about a miracle in His time and this child has come home and that family has been restored.
So I say to you today, whatever it is you're praying for, wait and keep praying. God is at work and He assuredly has a plan. If your praying for a loved one who has gone astray or someone who needs the Lord or maybe it's for healing for yourself or someone else, keep praying in faith believing. His ways are not our ways and we must be open to His will and have the faith that He knows what is best for His children. God makes no mistakes and He sees the future when we cannot. Trust His ways.
My oldest son had a verse to learn for kindergarten graduation. I Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing". He would try so hard to say Thessalonians correctly that he would nod his head forward to say it and when he did, his hat would fall off. He would pick it up, put it back on and start over. We went through this process three times and finally his teacher said, "Just say the verse, honey." I thought he would never actually get to the verse. But he made it and you will too. So just keep praying my friends. That's what I'm going to do.
When I had polio, the doctors said I would never walk again, even with the aid of braces and crutches. They said my core muscles were not strong enough. As many of you know, God answered prayer and allowed me to do just that. I was told I would never be able to have a baby. God gave me two healthy boys and with His help and grace, I carried them full term.
I have seen many answered prayers in my life. I can't wait to share some of them with you. One thing I have learned is that God always answers. Sometimes the answer is "No" but many times it is "Wait". I think the reason is because we learn more by waiting. Our faith grows stronger and we realize that this particular thing is not going to happen without Him. God needs to be given the glory and He wants to make sure we and others see that it's through Him that miracles happen.
This week I saw two miracles. A close friend of ours younger brother was stricken with cancer last year. He had several tumors throughout his body and one was on his spine. A very aggressive chemo treatment schedule was put in place and I am very thankful to say he is tumor free today. We will continue to pray for him, that God will strengthen him and help him to walk again on his own. We also want God to kill all cancer cells and pray that there will be no new tumors in his future. I know this is a tall order but nothing is too big for God.
We also saw a prodigal child come home after twenty years. Her parents, family and friends have prayed faithfully that she would return one day so that they could welcome her with open arms. This week God brought about a miracle in His time and this child has come home and that family has been restored.
So I say to you today, whatever it is you're praying for, wait and keep praying. God is at work and He assuredly has a plan. If your praying for a loved one who has gone astray or someone who needs the Lord or maybe it's for healing for yourself or someone else, keep praying in faith believing. His ways are not our ways and we must be open to His will and have the faith that He knows what is best for His children. God makes no mistakes and He sees the future when we cannot. Trust His ways.
My oldest son had a verse to learn for kindergarten graduation. I Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing". He would try so hard to say Thessalonians correctly that he would nod his head forward to say it and when he did, his hat would fall off. He would pick it up, put it back on and start over. We went through this process three times and finally his teacher said, "Just say the verse, honey." I thought he would never actually get to the verse. But he made it and you will too. So just keep praying my friends. That's what I'm going to do.
Monday, January 2, 2012
The In's And Out's of 2012
I have contemplated for three days, what words of wisdom I could give you for 2012. For some 2011 was a year that you can say that you're glad it's over. Last year I fell and broke my foot. I don't notice the progression of this post polio thing until something like that happens and I have to realize that here is one more thing I am not able to do anymore. But other then that it was a year full of blessings. I got to meet one of the people I respect and admire most. I spent a few days with my sister and my parents. I went to a Joni & Friends retreat and a retreat in NC to see my friend Mina. God also blessed me with a new van and power wheelchair and He gave me a new job. Most of all, he continues to bless me with a wonderful family and friends. That is what I am most grateful for. When I look ahead to 2012, I know there will be trials but here is what I know for sure, God will go before me and see me through whatever it is and I will be a better, stronger person because of it.
Yesterday I heard a wonderful message on "A Year Of New Beginnings". It was about what I should leave out in 2012 and what I should put in.
Leave burdens behind. If we could just learn to give everything over to God and then leave it there, we would have so much more peace. We are so prone to give God control and then take it back. Leave it with Him. Remember that nothing happens to you that has not been filtered through His nail-scarred hands. He knows the outcome and you can trust that He has your best interest at heart. I look forward to sharing with you some of the ways God has done this for me in my life, once I let go.
Leave behind any resentments. Resentment leads to bitterness and unforgiveness and this is not healthy.
Leave your failures behind. God is not through with you yet so just hang in there and keep trying and learn from your mistakes. Grab hold of the future and right now that is 2012.
So what do I need to add in to 2012? I want to have a consuming passion to know Jesus. To spend more time with Him in prayer and in His Word. I need to do be passionate about this and not do it out of a sense of duty.
I want to have an overflowing love for others. I love people, I really do. When the Doctors told me I shouldn't work anymore, I tried it. But I couldn't stand not being around other people. So I went back to work part-time. Staying home alone everyday was unhealthy for me. But do I have an overflowing love?
Do I have a right relationship with Jesus Christ? Yes, I'm saved and on my way to heaven. I know that with out a shadow of doubt. But am I giving my all? He did, He gave His all for me on the cross. So am I worshiping Him as I should?
So here is my resolution for 2012. I want to be a better child of God then I was last year. Someday I will stand (yahoo) before Him and I want Him to be able to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant"
Yesterday I heard a wonderful message on "A Year Of New Beginnings". It was about what I should leave out in 2012 and what I should put in.
Leave burdens behind. If we could just learn to give everything over to God and then leave it there, we would have so much more peace. We are so prone to give God control and then take it back. Leave it with Him. Remember that nothing happens to you that has not been filtered through His nail-scarred hands. He knows the outcome and you can trust that He has your best interest at heart. I look forward to sharing with you some of the ways God has done this for me in my life, once I let go.
Leave behind any resentments. Resentment leads to bitterness and unforgiveness and this is not healthy.
Leave your failures behind. God is not through with you yet so just hang in there and keep trying and learn from your mistakes. Grab hold of the future and right now that is 2012.
So what do I need to add in to 2012? I want to have a consuming passion to know Jesus. To spend more time with Him in prayer and in His Word. I need to do be passionate about this and not do it out of a sense of duty.
I want to have an overflowing love for others. I love people, I really do. When the Doctors told me I shouldn't work anymore, I tried it. But I couldn't stand not being around other people. So I went back to work part-time. Staying home alone everyday was unhealthy for me. But do I have an overflowing love?
Do I have a right relationship with Jesus Christ? Yes, I'm saved and on my way to heaven. I know that with out a shadow of doubt. But am I giving my all? He did, He gave His all for me on the cross. So am I worshiping Him as I should?
So here is my resolution for 2012. I want to be a better child of God then I was last year. Someday I will stand (yahoo) before Him and I want Him to be able to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant"
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