It grieved my heart so every time I passed my little girls room. I soon learned to shut the door and act as if that room didn't exist. I prayed God would help me get over this hole in my heart and fill it with something else, and of course He did just that.
I was still working second shift at Ozark so my mornings were free. It was on such a morning that one of Glen's nieces called. Her name was Cindy also and she was a neonatal nurse in northern Indiana where Glen's family is from. She said that my stepson's new little baby had been brought in last night and was in the neonatal unit. She was taking care of him. Cindy said that Glen's son and daughter-in-law might need help in caring for the baby and was there anything we could do. So we immediately flew Glen's son, Ed and his wife and baby down to Florida to live with us for awhile. Glen got a job for his son where he was working and everything just fell into place. They moved into the girls bedroom and we put Rusty's crib out in the family room. They began attending church with us where Rusty would soon be dedicated.
What a blessing Rusty was. Every night when I got home from work, around eleven, he was ready to be fed. I enjoyed that time with him so much. He was such a good baby.
Glen was so blessed to have this opportunity to spend this much time with his grandson. When he was home, he was with Rusty. Rusty was either on his lap or in the pool with him. It was a special time.
It was during their stay with us that we lost the Challenger space shuttle and crew. I think everyone remembers what they were doing that day but people in Florida, even more so because we watched it unfold before our very eyes and not on a TV screen. When a shuttle went up, back then, time stopped and everyone went outside and looked to the skies. By this time, we had witnessed many shuttle launches but for Ed and Samantha, my daughter-in-law, it was her first. Matt was home sick that day and was watching from the couch. Glen and Eddie were at work and had stopped to watch. Samantha and I were outside our home in the street and when I saw the two trails in the sky, I knew something had gone very wrong. We hurried back in to hear the worst from Matt. I will never forget that day.
Ed and Samantha would move into their own place eventually but we had Rusty often, sometimes for days at a time. Samantha was getting homesick though so Ed sent her and Rusty home to Indiana for a visit. She decided she didn't want to come back to Florida so naturally Ed went back to Indiana as well. They would have two more sons and now Ed and Samantha our grandparents. You know what that makes us don't you? Great grandparents!!!!! Maybe the Lord will allow us to be great, great grandparents, who knows. But I do know this, we will love them all.
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