You've heard it said now-a-days, that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, when I was young, it took a team. Probably still does. I had a team of doctors, surgeons, teachers, therapists, camp staff and my family to keep me going. Like any good team, you need some cheerleaders. Haven't you noticed when you go to a game, that there is always one or two cheerleaders that stand out. They cheer louder, jump higher, and are just..well, more enthusiastic about cheering their team on. I had many cheerleaders but there are two that stood out among all the rest.
My Aunt Marge and Uncle Jim lived around the corner from us. It was about half a block down our street, around the corner, up two steps onto the sidewalk, another half block on there street, cross the street and up their very steep driveway. Many times my cousin would come over to my house and get me in the wagon and pull me over to her house to play or sometimes we would just play at mine. Her mom was my mom's sister. When my grandparents needed to stay with someone, my aunt and uncle built an apartment onto the back of their home for them. That was another reason it was more fun to go to her house. My grandparents were there.
Over the years my Aunt and Uncle saw me accomplish many things, some big and some not so big. However, their reaction was always the same. You've never experienced a pat on the back like the one my Uncle Jim could give you. I always knew he was proud of me, no matter what. Whenever I would learn something new, I couldn't wait to tell them. But the day I remember most, is the day I decided to walk over to their house by myself. I had never walked over there before, not even with my cousin. It was a nice summer day and I knew they were all home. I don't know how long it took me. The challenging part was their driveway. It was huge, straight up. It's a wonder they could even get up it in the winter. But I took it one step at a time making sure I did not fall (which I was very prone to do). Finally, I made it! Around to the back door, up the back steps and knock on the door. "Surprise. I just walked over here all by myself." Oh, my goodness, my Uncle was so proud of me. He gave me a big ole hug and just went on and on about it. I was so happy. Aunt Margie fixed me a cool drink and gave me food. You would have thought I had run a 5k. In their eyes, I had. What a great day that was.
A couple summer's ago I drove past their house. You know that driveway has barely any incline to it at all. I was like "What???" "Who stole their driveway and put that little one in there!"
I am still blessed to have my Uncle Jim and he's still cheering me on.
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