Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Sweetheart

Glen was born in Indiana.  His dad worked in the steel mills. He had one younger brother and three sisters.  Glen joined the Navy at 17 years of age.  It's hard to believe that when he was in the Navy, I was in grade school.  I'm sure if you had told him that his future wife is eight years old, he would not have believed it.  It's funny how as you grow older your ages become closer together.  Now we both have wrinkles, aches and pains and a pill dispenser full of medication and vitamins.
Glen was saved in  bible school when he was young but he did not live for the Lord.  After we started down the friendship trail, he invited Matt and I to a picnic on a Sunday along with his oldest son Ed, who lived with him. I told Glen if he wanted to see me on Sunday he would have to see me in church.  He asked what time church started and he showed up.  He heard a great message and afterwards I couldn't wait to ask him what he thought.  He loved it!  He said the preacher stepped all over his toes but he had never heard anyone preach from the Bible like that.  He was hooked.  It wasn't long after that, he and Eddie were both baptized.  It was thrilling.
As long as I had know Glen, he played and sang country music.  He was a drummer and was asked to play for various groups in town. He was always asked to sing because he has a beautiful voice and is very talented.  He was known as "The Cowboy" because he always wore a cowboy hat.

After we were married he started his own band.  He had found some very talented young men to back him and thus Country Daze was born.  It concerned me that he was playing in clubs and bars at night but he was always ready to go to church in the morning.  I tried to keep my mouth quiet, which is rare, and let God work in his life.  That is exactly what happened.  First I saw him give up drinking, then he traded his drums for a flattop guitar.  Then finally he was so convicted about entertaining in bars and going to church on Sunday, that he quit Country Music altogether. Praise the Lord.
Now he uses his talent for the Lord singing in church.  He has been a Sunday School teacher, youth leader, speaks to men every Thursday at a camp for men with adictions and has worked in a ministry full time.
We have been married 35 years this summer and he has loved me and my boys for all of them.  He even adopted Matt and Clay. It's been a long time sense that day I found him in the living room talking to dad.  We have had many, many trials and tribulations but our devotion to each other and our family remains strong no matter what.  God has blessed our marriage more then we could ever dream and we love Him and try to serve Him to the best of our abilities.  God is so good.  How do people live without Him to give them eternal salvation, peace and strength, unconditional love, healing and joy only to name a few?  I just can't comprehend it. 

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