Friday, March 30, 2012

The Pact

Recently our local paper ran an article about my blog.  So let me take this opportunity to say "welcome" to all my new readers.  I pray you receive a blessing because that is what this blog is all about.
So as promised, I will tell you how Glen and I ended up together, believe me it was the farthest thing from our first.
During the three years Gerry and I were divorced, I met a great couple by the name of Glen and Becky.  I felt an immediate connection with them and on weekends when Gerry had Matt, I would hang out with them.  Sadly, after Gerry and I remarried, I lost touch with them until one day Becky called and asked me to babysit.  I was pregnant and on bed rest so I told her she would have to bring the baby here.  She never showed up and never called me back.  It wasn't long after that, I saw their divorce in the paper.
Gerry and I were so hoping things would work out for us this time and we were doing pretty good till Firestone went on strike.  When that happened he began to slip back into his old ways.  Mom came and got Matt and I and took us to my Uncles for awhile.  It was then that I called Becky to ask what attorney she had used for her divorce and what it cost these days.  She gave me the information and we talked for awhile to catch up.  When Glen came to pick up their little boy she told him Gerry and I were getting divorced and that he should give me a call.
One day I came home to find Glen in the living room talking to my dad.  I was so surprised to see him.  He was living in a little town about 45 minutes away and he was working for John Deere. He would call me during the week or stop by on the weekend but one thing was for sure, neither one of us ever wanted to get married again and we made a pact to never do so.  We were going to be just friends and if either one of us needed a date for a Christmas party or something special, we would be there for each other.
My divorce was final that summer and so when my birthday came in October, he said he would take me out to dinner after he got off work. So I drove to his town and waited in the lobby of his apartment building for him to come home.  He never showed up, never came home.  So I got back in my car, drove home and ordered a pizza.  Now if any of you know me well, you know how special I think birthdays are.  I don't like for anyone to not have a birthday cake or a gift or something to make the day special.  That night he called and said he forgot and apologized over and over again.  My response, "It's ok, I'm not mad.  But you don't treat friends this way so you need to decide what your priorities are."
He began to spend most weekends with me and my family.  Everyone loved him, although mom was a little harder to win over.  I don't think she bought the whole "friend" thing but we were dead serious about it.  We had a pact after-all.
One night I was sitting at home at my parents and there was a knock at the door.  It was a guy that I had dated my sophomore year in high school.  He came in and visited awhile and we caught up on each other lives and then he went on his merry way. Naturally, I shared this information with Glen when we were talking about each other's week.  I never gave it another thought but apparently it got Glen to thinking, (what if some guy from her past comes in and steals her away and then I would lose my best friend?). I guess he forgot the pact.
A few weeks later he produces an engagement ring.  "I can't marry you, Glen.  We have a pact to be best friends".  He said, "Who better to marry, then your best friend."   Well, I guess he had a good point and the rest is history.  It takes quite a man to marry a paraplegic with two little boys.  And that's what he is..quite a man. I am truly blessed to have him.  

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